Margot's birthday brunch
July 31, 2016

Our friend Margot has just celebrated her twentieth birthday and today we surprised her with a little birthday brunch by the water, which was totally perfect because the weather was so nice today and sitting down eating brownies is absolutely goalz. It was such a perfect morning... we all got up early to meet up and decorate and prepare everything. Febe made her highly requested brownies (no brownies no parties), we had bread, eggs and fruits. It was just perfect...

Margot had no idea we would be there waiting for her (we tricked her into believing she was actually going to have brunch at a fancy restaurant), sitting by the water with trees behind us decorated with colourful garlands and balloons! And the brownies... I mean I honestly think those were the best I've had in a long time (Febe makes the best brownies). We stuck little colourful flags on them to make them look cute, I mean COME ON it was just incredible... and I am now craving for some while typing this.

We spent the morning catching up, whilst squeezing in more brownies, and eggs, and bread, before heading off to get ourselves on the boats...owhhh snazzy! The lake was crazy beautiful. You're literally in your boat surrounded by green and although it was so in the open air you somehow felt in your own little was absolutely lush...

Being surrounded by people I love is always my favourite time to spend and always leaves me feeling super emosh and appreciative that I have such awesome people surrounding me. I mean... I luv them so much?!!!!