Meet my new puppy!!
September 30, 2017
Hello humans!
I hope you've all had a spectacular week and are spending the last days of September splendidly while squeezing in some last minute adventures (before the weather starts getting colder, that is)! I know I have been away for like m o n t h s and there are a ton of things I want to write on this blog before I go MIA again, and I thought there is just no better way to segue my way back in than by introducing my new puppy!!
His name is Stewie, sometimes when we want to get down to serious business we call him Stewart haha! This means when he starts barking while we eat. His breed is shih-tzu and is currently only 5 months old! He is honestly the fluffiest little human and he is the cutest when he just gets out of bed because his hairs just get all over the face and his little eyes are covered and assfdhbfkjf. We adopted him (kind of? We got him from a family that decided they didn't want to have him anymore, I know, crazy) at the end of July this year and we strongly believe that he is like a blessing to all of us!

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